The award winning pro tenor horn. 

"...The 'RAW' XS tenor is built with an uncompromising focus on excellence and detail, and offers amazing quality at a reasonable price point for a pro sax.  I can't wait to get out on the road with this horn."...Andy Snitzer 

Since its inception, the demand for our TJ Signature Custom tenor saxophones has consistently outstripped our production capacity, underscoring the widespread appeal of these premium-grade instruments. Right from the outset, we recognised the paramount importance of closely collaborating with horn players and educators to meticulously refine this groundbreaking saxophone.

In 2014, following over two years of intensive testing, in-depth discussions, and worldwide research involving saxophonists, we unearthed their yearning for a modern professional-level horn that seamlessly integrated exceptional sound, a versatile tonal spectrum, precise key responsiveness, and an effortlessly immersive playing experience. Armed with these ambitious prerequisites, we embarked on an odyssey of prototyping, rigorous player participation, and extensive testing, culminating in the inception of the Signature Custom tenor saxophone.

In today's crowded horn market, we were well aware of the necessity to craft something truly exceptional. It's only when you hold one of these instruments in your hands that you can genuinely fathom the tireless dedication and expertise that have been poured into their evolution over the years.

While words on a screen can merely convey a fraction of the encounter, as a fellow saxophonist, you comprehend the paramount significance of an instrument that instills unwavering confidence. An instrument that consistently dazzles, straight out of the case, day after day. An instrument that upholds its steadfastness and reliability without incessant adjustments. Hence, we extend a personal invitation for you to experience the award-winning Signature Custom tenor saxophone firsthand—only then will you genuinely apprehend its unyielding commitment to perfection.

Each Signature Custom tenor is built at our TJ sax workshops in Lenham, U.K., ensuring an unmatched level of craftsmanship and quality.

SC tenor options

  • 'RAW'

  • 'RAW' XS

  • Gold lacquer

  • Phosphor bronze

  • Silver-plated

What are the most popular models?

The 'RAW XS' and 'RAW' models are the most popular however the gold lacquer Signature Custom tenor, which is the same instrument just with a gold lacquer applied on to the 'RAW' base, is becoming a wanted horn nowadays!

In this video, Jim Cheek at talks about and plays the RAW and the RAW XS tenor.  The same instrument but with a very different visual look.

North American Distributor for TJ Saxes Sandro Massullo with sax player Steve Kaldestad demonstrating the Trevor James RAW & RAW XS Vintage Tenor Saxophones. .

Andy snitzer on his TJ Signature custom ‘RAW XS’ model

Testimonials - Don't just take our word for it!

Andy Snitzer

"...The 'RAW' XS tenor is built with an uncompromising focus on excellence and detail, and offers amazing quality at a reasonable price point for a pro sax.  I can't wait to get out on the road with this horn."...Andy Snitzer 

Steve Cole

“People never thought I’d change horn! The tone quality on this instrument from the low register to the upper register is amazingly consistent. This really is the best modern day horn out there!"

Jeff Kashiwa

“This horn is a beautiful instrument.  It can be sensitive one moment and then be let loose the next.  Wonderfully rich colours and stunning mechanics.   I love this horn!"



Do you also 'double' on the flute?

Visit our multi-award wining Trevor James flute global website to check out the 'C' flutes as well as our wonderful alto and bass models.